Monday, December 30, 2019

New Year, New Resume How to Get Creative - FlexJobs

New Year, New Resume How to Get Creative - FlexJobsNew Year, New Resume How to Get Creative 26With the hunt for a new job comes new energy, new goals, and new challenges. For job seekers, this also means a new resume, new titelseite letter, new interviews, and most importantly, new opportunitiesA great way to get more job opportunities is to always review and revamp your resume. Serving as your professional calling card, your resume could be what makes or breaks your chances with a specific organization or position. Below weve got some inspiration from a successful job seeker who used a new resume to open up job opportunities, as well as some tips to help you revamp your job searchHeres Jeff Mears story on creating a new resume for new opportunitiesWhen Jeff Mears, a planer and coder, decided to pick up and move to Portland, Oregon, he knew hed have to do something special to stand out from the pack of creative professionals in his new city if he wanted to land a great job. In early December 2012, Jeff decided to completely redesign his traditional resume to showcase his design skills and personality. (See Jeffs resume here.)I just started applying for work this Tuesday and am already swamped with people contacting me already. I took a risk with a fresh approach to my resume. I also created a companion website to it, says Mears. His website is meant to give employers a more in-depth look at his resume, with samples of his design work, reviews and praise from colleagues and clients, and his career story- all information that is pretty much impossible to include on a traditional resume.One of the most obvious differences in Jeffs new and improved resume is his ability to let his personality and confidence shine through. He comes across as friendly and open, professional but personable, and super-knowledgeable in his field, adding depth and breadth to his professional identity.For his efforts, Jeffs resume and job search were featured ongeschftliches miteinanderIn siderin an article called, This Guys Resume Says Im Ready To Rock and Hiring Managers Are Lining Up. Jeff toldBusinessInsiderthat in moving to Portland, he knew his competition would be stiff. Therere so many creatives here, and I know I needed to stand out. It doesnt just demonstrate my skills it demonstrates that Ill go the extra mile.Jeff told that since starting to send out his new resume, his job search has really taken off. Mears said, Ive had a face-to-face interview and three phone call interviews today with more scheduled throughout the week. Apparently the resume worked (and theBusinessInsiderarticle didnt hurt).Here are a few tips for a new resume and new job search for the new yearTailor your resume.You dont want to send the same resume to every job you apply for. Make sure to tailor your resume to meet the different formats you will encounter, and tailor it so it matches the job description, the company culture, and mission, as well as industry-specific language.Use di fferentresume formats.Although the traditional resume is still a safe bet in many cases, dont fear adding a bit of your personality to it or switching up the format. Explore what works for you functional resume, standard resume, social media resume, creative resume, and morePerfect your personal brand.Then, add it to your resume and other job search documents. Your personal brand, especially when communicated accurately, can be what helps you stand out from the crowd.Clean up that social media.With a clean slate, nows the time to clean up social media and make sure that it stays that way. Clear out any pictures, likes, or status updates that are going to look unprofessional to hiring managers. Then, add your resume where applicable.Learn tolove your network.Well, at least, love on it a bit. Now is the perfect time to reach out and make contact while wishing everyone a happy new year. Your network can be your lifeline in your job search, so make sure to grow it and nurture it.Use you r cover letter more effectively.Rather than focusing on the same information that is in your resume, use your cover letter to address other items you would like employers to know about you. Use this area to address employment gaps, major achievements, and to let a bit of yourself shine through as well.Remember to mind your manners.When you are stressed out it can be easy to forget the tiny details that make a good impression. Remember to say thank you, and when following up, be inquisitive and understanding, rather than upset at the amount of time that has passed.We applaud Jeffs creativity and daring-do, and we think more job seekers should start the new year with a brand-new resume and job search that tells the world, Im ready to rock No, you dont have to be a designer and coder to create a new and improved resume and job search- you can start small and create a whole package that communicates yourprofessional brand.Looking for more job search tips? Check out thejob search tip sec tion on the blogAre you making a new resume for a fresh start? Tell us about it below

Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Grow your network in the time it takes to make a morning coffee

Grow your network in the time it takes to make a morning coffeeGrow your network in the time it takes to make a morning coffeeAs founder of the popular podcast,The Jordan Harbinger Show,Jordan Harbingerhas helped to develop one of the leading self-development programs in the world,focusing on social capital, relationship-building, and authentic rapport. Author and podcasterDavid Burkusrecently hosted him for hisSuper Connector Summit, a free online event available to view October 30 to November 3. Here, they sharesmall ways to make big impacts on your relationships and career.DavidTell us your story. Youre a recovering lawyer, who decided to become this amazing, top-ranked podcaster. The reason for that was the realization that your networks, your connections, your relationships are really what drive leid only your career success, but the path of your career.JordanIts funny that you should mention that Im a recovering lawyer, because I was thinking about this today. I never bought in to the lawyer thing. When I graduated from undergrad, I went to go get a job at Best Buy, and then thought, Oh, Im screwed. If I cant get a job at Best Buy doing anything but selling CDs, then I better go to grad school. So I applied to Michigan, the fourth-best law school at the time. I didnt get in. I applied to backup schools. Didnt get in.A friend of mine said, Write a letter to the admissions committee. Another friend of mine who was in law school said, Why dont you put it in legal brief format? All of this stuff had never occurred to me, but my network had come together to give me advice. I wrote the letter and, after that, got into law school at Michigan. That put the bug in my ear about asking other people for help.I worked really hard, and I ended up getting a job on Wall Street through, coincidentally, another connection from undergrad. My old roommates other roommate worked at this law firm, and I got a top market job on Wall Street. I woke up one day and went Oh my God, Im going to get fired. I dont belong here. I ended up with a hefty dose of imposter syndrome.On top of that, I had no idea what we were doing at work at any given time. I had no idea what I was going to do to get ahead, or stay ahead, or just make it there in general. And mentoring on Wall Street is not doing oyster shooters on the roof with Matthew McConaughey, like inTheWolf of Wall Street. The guy who was supposed to be mentoring me was more like, Ive got to take you out for coffee, because I have to check this box on some HR form that says I mentored you. So lets get Starbucks in the lobby. What that allowed me to do was act think, Well this could be a perfect opportunity, because I want to know why this partners never here, and if I embarrass myself, Im never going to see him anyway.So I asked him, Why are you a partner? Youre so young, but youre never in the office. Do you just work from home? He said, I dont work from home per se, I bring in a lot of the deals. Every quarter or so, he brought in multiple seven-figure deals from different investment banks. That changed the way that I looked at work forever. I thought, Wait a second. He works hard, he is smart. But really, hes not just working from home on a computer in a corner. He figured out a different skillset, that apparently nobody else can muster, and got really damn good at it. I needed to figure out how to do that.Thats when I started to dedicate myself to persuasion, influence, networking, interpersonal skills, non-verbal communication. Thats why I did it. It wasnt becauseit came naturally to me, per se. It certainly wasnt because I thought I could start a geschftliches miteinander teaching this stuff. That had nothing to do with it. I was just trying not to get fired.DavidOne thing I heard in a lot of moments from your story is the importance of reaching out to folks for help. Theres building up a network, but then theres also staying connected, and strengthening those connections. When its ti me to ask the right people for help, you dont want to seem like the guy that only comes up when he needs help, so now he cares about you again. When the ask happens, it should seem like one more in a series of conversations.Ive talked about this newsfeed way to do it. Social media is an amazing tool for keeping up with people, but a terrible tool for actually letting people know youre keeping up with them. Because once you get more than three likes on a page, a photo of your kids, youre not paying attention to who liked it anymore. So, youve got to reach out on a different medium.When its time to ask the right people for help, you dont want to seem like the guy that only comes up when he needs help, so now he cares about you again.JordanIf youre on Facebook, get off Facebook. Normally, we click like, or write cute and then hit return, and then scroll down the newsfeed. Dont do that. Reach out either via email, via text, or via phone.An email, not bad, but it can get caught in the in box. People batch it. Its impersonal if its a business connection. Text, now thats good. I read it right away. It hits the sweet spot of friendship, intimacy, and caring with low commitment for the other person.Scroll down to the bottom of your phone list, and theres that guy that you hung out with on your vacation last year, who was really interesting, and just moved to your area, but you never called. Send them a text. Low commitment. Do it every day, with two or three people, and youre refreshing that list a lot.You dont have to rely on your newsfeed, especially if youre not a social media person. But do one or two from your newsfeed once something interesting pops up, like a person got a new dog, they had a new baby. This is only minutes of your time each morning. While you wait for the coffee to brew, you can re-engage a handful of people, every day, and it ends up being hundreds of people per year. You end up with a little short conversation with most of these people thats mor e meaningful than you think, and then you both get on with your lives, more connected.DavidWhat I love about the way that you described it is that its a system. Installing systems that keep relationships top-of-mind is as simple as a text.JordanAbsolutely. At Art Of Charm, we call this systematic versus opportunistic network maintenance. You can have both, you should have both. Even if you had four platforms like Instagram, your email, texting on the phone, Facebook - youre totenstill talking about less than five minutes a morning to engage everybody, especially if you batch it.DavidIm curious, do you guys have other, more systematic things that you reference? What else are people missing?JordanMy business partner, AJ, came up with the Social Sales Funnel. Essentially, this is a system of meeting new people, filtering in the people that are going to be a good fit with your social circle. He has weekly gatherings- football on Sunday at his place, and Saturday pool parties when hes n ot out of town. He caters to an overlapping, but usually quite different demographic. You can pick people and slot them in, and you can also rotate your invitation, constantly refreshing everything in our network. Thats the Social Sales Funnel.Its really just building the network for its own sake, and having friends. Thats it. Its not, Hey, you want to buy some health insurance? Theres no pitch, theres no waiting for the other shoe to drop. Its just ABG, as we call it. Instead of ABC, Always Be Closing, its ABG, Always Be Generous, or Always Be Giving. If you go by that, you dont keep score. You dont have to worry about looking fake, because youre not.DavidSo when an ask for help actually does happen, because youre growing that connection both personally and professionally, they want to help you already.JordanIt happens, usually without even asking. Theyre looking to reciprocate. Its not awkward, ever, because of the systems being in place before you need something. Its like that bo ok title, Dig the Well Before Youre Thirsty. If you create all these relationships, you dont have to worry about it being awkward when you ask, because its just like asking your cousin for something.DavidIf you, knowing what you know now, had to start all over again, building your network, whats the first thing you would do?JordanThe ABG principle makes so much sense. Its totally worth it. It would be worth it if you helped a hundred people and 99 of them never did anything to help you in return. Because usually that one person that does reciprocate is so clutch that its all worthwhile, especially if youre doing it at scale. Once you start creating a lot of these relationships, helping other people is, 99% of the time, just connecting one person to other people that you already know. Its like compound interest. You create a hundred relationships, and those people all starthelping each other, much more than they would if you only knew three people.This conversation has been edited an d condensed. To watch David and Jordans full conversation, or learn from 50+ other world-class experts, tune into theSuper Connector Summit here.This article first appeared on Heleo.

Friday, December 20, 2019

How to Figure out What Your Career Accomplishments Are

How to Figure out What Your Career Accomplishments AreHow to Figure out What Your Career Accomplishments Are4In a job market that keeps getting more competitive, you need an edge to make your application materials stand out. You can get that edge by listing yourcareer accomplishments from each of your key positions on your resume and cover letter.Career accomplishments offer concrete examples- often based on data points- of how you contributed to your department or company when you served in a particular role.Below are three tips on how to figure out what your career accomplishments are, as well as how to keep track of your accomplishments, quantify them, and decide which ones to highlight when applying to jobs.Heres how to figure out what your career accomplishments areStart keeping a record.To date, you may not have kept notes on your key accomplishments at work. Change that today, so that you wont have to reinvent the wheel when its time to list your accomplishments for your curre nt position. Look at previous wertmiger zuwachs reviews, reference letters, presentations, and other files that document what youve done at the company. Pull out any points that verify why you received recognition, promotion, or awards. Going forward, each time you receive commendation for your work, make a note of it.Make it measurable.Accomplishments that can be quantified are particularly compelling to prospective employers. Look for things youve done that you can validate with numbers, data, or percentages. For example, did you create a time-saving solution in your department or take the lead on a challenging assignment that resulted in a measurable result? Were you selected for a special project or committee that created measurable change in the business? Are you known for a particularly effective work style that you can show saves the company money? Each of these accomplishments can be quantified for greater impact in your application materials if you focus on what changed aft er your contribution for example, Helped grow customer base 20 percent in my division.Select your high points.Without careful thought, it may be difficult to recognize the accomplishments youve made at work- particularly in past positions. Take some time to think through each position that youve held, and brainstorm a list of key victories and positive changes that you helped effect at your company for each one. The details youve gathered in the steps above are potential starting points for identifying your unique accomplishments in each of your roles. To select which ones to highlight in your resume and cover letter, read the job description carefully for the new opportunity, and target your accomplishments to the jobs specific requirements.Your goal in selecting accomplishments is to choose significant, measurable achievements that reflect your work ethic and willingness to go above and beyond your job description. By taking the time to identify such accomplishments and communicat e them to prospective employers, youll give yourself a significant advantage as a job seeker.Readers, how often do you update your skills and your career accomplishments? Share with us below in the comment section.

Sunday, December 15, 2019

How learning from IKEA can make you better at your job

How learning from IKEA can make you better at your jobHow learning from IKEA can make you better at your jobSay the brand name Ikea to just about anyone and youll likely be greeted with a sigh of pure ecstasy or barely muttered curses.Love them or hate them, chances are extremely good that at some point in your life youve bought, assembled or hacked a piece of Ikea furniture. While Im not suggesting you change your name to Pong, Malm or Ektorp, or that you keep a handy supply of Swedish meatballs on your desk, there is a lot to be learned from Ikea.Give people incentive to unpackIkeas flat-pack products mean that theres almost always some assembly required. Yet theres also enough of a hint as to what the end product will be that keeps people coming back time and time again. Instead of the slightly hoary notion of an elevator speech, maybe update your intro so that youre giving something away immediately. A hook, an intro, a punchline that encourages people to want to know more about you or what youre working on. In the immediate gratification era, you want to attract people and encourage them to stick around.Leave room for improvement and customizationkoranvers that dresser is perfect on its own, but imagine how fantastic it would look with asymmetrical striping to match the carpet. Theres an entire Ikea subculture dedicated to ways to hack the classic products and make them better or more stylish. Even if your work style is perfect as is, leave a bit of wiggle room for someone else to get involved. Mentors or partners need to feel needed and as though their input will make a difference and have an impact. And if youre too perfect, theres nowhere to go but sideways, never a great career direction.About those 10-minute unitsIts said that Ikea founder Ingvar Kamprad believed we should all divide our lives into 10-minute units, and sacrifice as few of them as possible in meaningless activity. Lets hack that concept for a moment, shall we? Ive recently adopted the 10-minute unit notion to straightening up when Im feeling overwhelmed I dont get to tackle everything, but I get to conquer something- and thats a great start. The saatkorn is true with projects that feel too big, or documents that seem incoherent. I give myself 10 minutes to start and then go onto something else. It chips away at the panic and sense that something is too big or complicated to ever complete.The service of othersAccording to the official website for the country of Sweden, Kamprad had a somewhat circuitous business path, but never veered from his ultimate goal of the service of others. In the beginning, Ikea prices were so cheap that manufacturers boycotted the brand leading Kamprad to create the in-house production. Kamprads ultimate goal was to bring style to the masses, and along the way, he became a kazillionaire. If you know what you want or need professionally, you can pretty much see even huge obstacles as simply temporary blips.Keep them coming back for moreYo ur bed. Your bureau. Your dresser and coffee table and kitchen island. If youre a sucker for Ikea, youre far from alone. According to, more than 780 million customers visit Ikea each year. Thats a lot of satisfied customers. What are your best qualities? What about your personal brand makes you stand out from anyone else in your office or industry? Remind people that youre the reason they love working with you. Sure you produce great work consistently, but try to find the things that set you apart so that when people in your office or industry need what youre selling - from consulting to information to widgets - theyll always come to you first.

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

How to Negotiate When Salary Is Non-Negotiable

How to Negotiate When Salary Is Non-Negotiable How to Negotiate When Salary Is Non-Negotiable Congratulations You made it through several grueling rounds of interviews, and now the company youd love to work for has sent you an offer of employmentTheres just one problem The salary isnt what you want, and the company has made clear that this is its best offer. What can you do?Well, one option is to negotiate some terms other than salary. If you cant get the pay you want, you should at the very least be able to improve some other aspects of your job.Here are some things you can ask for and some advice on how to tactfully broach the subjectA Better TitleIf the new punkts title is vague or couldbe perceived as a step down from your previous role, research alternative titles and suggest a few different ones for your future supervisor to consider.When you present these titles, start by thanking your potential employer for giving you a thorough understanding of the position. Then, explain that upon further consideration, you feel these alternative titles may better encompass the scope of the role. Ask for input and let this be the start of a dialogue.A Better WorkspaceThink about the type of environment in which you thrive. Do you like solitude, or do you prefer lots of team interaction? Do you love natural lighting, or could you do without too many windows?When requesting a better workspace, focus on how and where you will do your best work for the organization. Explain that you believe a different environment would allow you to produce better results for the company. Dont just ask for a eckball office with a cappuccino machine because you think youre awesome.A Flexible ScheduleCarpools, hot yoga, rush hour whatever your morning or afternoon may bring, it may not always mesh with your work schedule. Ask if there is any flexibility to modify your schedule to accommodate your life outside of work.Before raising this possibility,investigate whether the plan youre prop osingcould help fill in a gap or alleviate someone elses workload. You have a better chance of getting a new schedule approved if you can demonstrate how accommodating your schedule benefits the company.Remote Work OptionsIf your new job involves a long commute or would require you to relocate, ask about the possibility of working remotely.The company wins because itcan house another person in the space you would have taken plus, it doesnt have to spend much on office equipment for you. You, however, win even bigger. People who work remotely dont have to deal with commutes, and they can save serious money on their wardrobes hello working in pajamas Another huge benefit is the ability to write off expenses like you home office space and any equipment you may need to do your job. Telecommuting could save you thousands of dollars a yearWhen raising the topic of remote work options, let the organization know if you have your own home office and if you own any office equipment already. Be sure to emphasize any previous telecommuting experience you have. This may help convince them that you will work just fine without a manager nearby.Relocation AssistanceIf the position requires you to relocate, but the offer makes no mention of a relocation package, ask if assistance is available. The company may be more likely to provide the funds if you offer to have relocation costs deducted from your salary. If the company accepts, set up a protocol for turning in receipts and receiving the agreed-upon amount as a tax-free reimbursement. Although annual salary will take a hit, you can come out ahead on the qualified relocation costs.(Consult a tax professional before going through with this Additional laws and regulations may apply.)More PTOAs always, frame your request in terms of what you need to stay healthy so you can perform at your best for the job, rather than what your previous employer provided or what anothercompany offers.A Signing BonusAsking for a signing bonus can be risky, as its often viewed as additional salary. If the company agrees to provide one, sweeten the deal by asking to split it over several pay periods e.g., one halfafter 90 days, the second after 180. Offering to divide the bonus over time can assure your employer you plan tostick around and it lessens your tax burden a bit.Remember that when it comes to negotiating with potential employers, its best to make your counteroffer in person or over the phone. Be careful to frame your request as an inquiry, rather than an ultimatum. Its best to counter only once, so before requesting anything, figure out what is fruchtwein important to you.As the Kenny Rogers advises, you have to know when to hold em and when to fold em. If the companys bottom line doesnt meet yours, then you also need to know when to walk away.Evelyn Bourassais a bilingual career coach, experienced in working with international and domestic clients.

Friday, December 6, 2019

The Biggest Myth About Resume Cover Page Example Exposed

The Biggest Myth About Resume Cover Page Example Exposed For example somebody who would like to land a job as a photographer on board can use websites including Flickr to demonstrate their portfolio. Every art exhibition ought to have a theme related to the sort of paintings or other types of art displayed at the venue. Another style of keeping the art exhibition easy and focused is by employing selective artwork based on a specific style or genre. If you wish to go different with your FB profile, theres a wide variety of Facebook titelblatt template samples to help you here. Thoughts revolving around what you would like to achieve in your career will lead to the response to the most essential question. You can rely on binder cover templates here and they are available in a broad range of designs which range from girly to romantic to nautical to abstract. A Secret Weapon for Resume Cover Page Example Professionals in the middle of a work search often report feeling a feeling of helplessness. Careers in the medical industry call for a broad range of expertise and education. Whether you wish to receive a job in nursing, dentistry, or pharmaceuticals, weve got a sample that is applicable to your career path. Take a look at the samples to observe the way the candidates discuss their accomplishments.Besides the forementioned details, its important to realise that its good to produce the look and feel of your resume attractive, it shouldnt be overdone in order to defeat its objective. Regardless of what engineering track youre on, your cover letter should highlight problem solving skills and the ability to fulfill quality standards. Writing a cover letter for work in the education and teaching field is about the specifics. An exhaustive employee hintergrund check can lower the danger of theft and violence at work together with protect your organization, your employees and customers. So, youve got to personalize your cover letter based on the job, your e applying for. Lastly, finish up the cover resume letter by stating that youll be following up by phone to go over any potential job openings. Explain that youre applying for work and want to tackle your cover letter to the suitable individual. While cutting and pasting a generic template appears to be the simplest way out of it, investing a good deal of time on your cover letter is an excellent approach to ensure you receive a reasonable chance in being hired for the job youre applying for. Searching for a job may be challenging road, especially if the business youd love to work for isnt advertising any open positions. You are going to need the Resume Cover Page Templates while youre on the watch for a job to create an excellent career. After that, spend some time reviewing the work advertisement. What You Dont Know About Resume Cover Page Example It can be beneficial to print a duplicate of your cover letter and edit it using a pen in hand. Imagine how powerful you can cr eate your cover letter by incorporating just a couple. An individual should always add an enticing cover letter whilst sending work application. A strong cover letter is able to make your application stick out from the crowd. You are able to add an additional middle paragraph if absolutely essential. While its a long and tedious process for a seemingly brief letter, its important to allot the crucial time and investigating to be sure your cover letter keeps the possible employer reading. So, its important to send a cover letter to the ideal person. If you dont understand what a cover letter appears like and what text ought to be in there, you can benefit from readymade cover letter templates. You may feel like the document is unnecessary since youre already providing a resume with tons of information. If youre planning to create a DVD cover, you can seek the help of DVD cover template options since they come up with a prestructured DVD cover which it is easy to customize in accordance with your DVD data. Plug in your info and youre prepared to send off your application.Be certain to tailor any samples you use to coordinate with your own background and the job for which youre applying. Infographic resumes seem nice, but you also have to be concerned about applicant tracking system computer software. Also pitch proposals to local and internet small business contacts and publishers in your specialty. Just examine the sample engineering internship cover letter free of experience below.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

The Secret to Unlocking Local Job Candidates - Spark Hire

The Secret to Unlocking Local Job Candidates - Spark HireThis is the part where I give you the goods right from the get-go Video interviewing is the secret to unlocking your local talent pool. Surprised? Confused? Well, let me explainA common misconception Ive seen time and time again with employers is that they think video interviews are only meant or useful for long-distance candidates. After mulling it over, Ive come up with some possible explanations. First, perhaps employers are only keeping in mind the offerings of a video chat service like Skype. (Read here to learn how video interviews differ from Skype.) Perhaps its the very obvious and memorable benefit of video interviews that comes with not having to fly out a candidate to screen them for a position. Regardless of the reason, employers can benefit from using video interviews to connect with local candidates. Read on as I discuss two scenarios where this especially rings trueEntice Local Passive Candidates With Video Inter viewsLets first consider the passive job seeker, described as someone who is employed and not actively looking for a new job, but still open to new opportunities. The existing skills gap has made highly skilled passive job seekers quite desirable. How can you increase your access to qualified passive job seekers in your area code? Video interviews.Considering their employment status, passive job seekers are difficult to entice with new opportunities theyre busy professionals that likely have 40-hour work weeks, 8 hours a day. If a passive candidate wanted to hear your pitch or make time for a call, they would have to take time off from work. This reality might cause you to lose a few interested individuals. The beauty of the video interview is the convenience that comes with scheduling. For example, attract local passive candidates with an invitationto a one-way video interview. The candidates can record their video responses to your typed questions anytime, anywhere. Or invite a ca ndidate to a live video interview, where both parties can chat from thecomfort of their own home. Youll certainly improve your chances at meeting highly skilled and highly desired individuals.Screen Local Talent Faster With Video InterviewsThe phone interview (averaging 20-30 minutes) is the traditional method for narrowing down your local candidate pool. However, what if you realize the prospect youre speaking with isnt qualified in a fraction of the allotted time? Out of common courtesy, youre likely to remain on the phone a while longer, wasting your time in the process.Instead of devoting so much time and effort with unqualified individuals in your own backyard, ditch the phone interview and use the one-way video interview to pick up the pace. You can conduct 10 one-way video interviews in the time it takes to do only 1 phone screen. The most formidable stack of resumes wont stand a chance.Furthermore, if you pre-screen with one-way video interviews, you will see a candidates pe rsonality, professionalism, and communication skills early on use this information to make smarter hiring decisions as far as who you want to move further along in the process.You might be confident in your traditional hiring methods for nearby applicants, but without video interviews, youre either not discovering top talent fast enough or youre not discovering them at all.Are you satisfied with the way you currently tap into local candidates? Share your process with us below.IMAGE Courtesy of Flickr by-Tripp-